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A collection consists of several datasets that are in some way connected. They can belong to the same research series, research infrastructure, or come from the same research expedition.

We also provide access to the special collections “Swedish party programs and election manifestos” and the Swedish Gallup Institute's public opinion surveys from 1942 to 1956.

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Forest science

33 hits 33 hits in swedish

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  • Collection Sweden now

In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests, consumer habits, possessions, buying inten...

  • Collection Scania Metadatabase for Epidemiology (SME)

The aim of the Scania Metadatabase for Epidemiology (SME) was to invent and create a catalogue that describes epidemiological studies collected within Lund University and Region Skåne. The project was initiated by Kristi...

  • Collection Swedish Cohort Consortium (

The Swedish Cohort Consortium ( is a project aimed at improving management and increasing the use of Swedish population-based cohorts (research databases with sensitive person data) for world-leading research....

  • Collection Road safety survey

Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten is an annual road safety study. The survey, one of the oldest ongoing surveys in the area, has been conducted since 1981 by Statistiska centralbyrån on behalf of Trafiksäkerhetsverket (1981-1992), ...

  • Collection The National SOM survey

In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three areas - society, opinion and mass media - ...

  • Collection ISSP - International Social Survey Programme

The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research. It brings together pre-existing national...

  • Collection Swedish Electoral Data

The material includes data from all electoral districts in parliamentary elections 1948-2006, the county council and municipal elections 1976-2006, referenda 1980-2003, EU parliamentary electoral data from 1995-2004, als...

  • Collection Media barometer

The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different media during an average day.

  • Collection NEAR - National E-Infrastructure for Aging Research in Sweden

The global increase in life expectancy is one of the greatest achievements of the last half century. However, the demographic development towards an older population poses tremendous societal and medical challenges globa...

  • Collection The Regional Western Sweden SOM survey

Western SOM has been conducted yearly since 1992, but was initially limited to residents of Gothenburg and its surrounding municipalities. In 1998, the survey was extended to include the entire Västra Götaland County plu...

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

  • Survey data for birds, bryophytes, lichens and vascular plants from 40 Scots pine and Norway spruce stands in southern Sweden

The aim of the data collection was to examine differences in biodiversity between two different age classes of production forest stands. Surveys were conducted between 2016-2017 in forty managed production forest stands ...

  • Lisa Petersson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
  • Delphine Lariviere, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
  • Emma Holmström, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
  • +2

Linnaeus University

  • Lifecycle climate impact and primary energy use of electric and biofuel cargo trucks

Heavy trucks contribute significantly to climate change, and in 2020 were responsible for 7% of total Swedish GHG emissions and 5% of total global CO2 emissions. Here we study the full lifecycle of cargo trucks powered b...

  • Roger Sathre, Linnaeus University, Department of Built Environment and Energy Technology
  • Leif Gustavsson, Linnaeus University, Department of Built Environment and Energy Technology
Published: 2023-01-25
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Linnaeus University

  • Tree growth and position data from Linnaeus University's uneven-sized plots

Tree data for growth and tree positions from five uneven-sized forest sites in Götaland, Sweden. The sites are spruce dominated and were laid out between 2016 and 2018 as part of a PhD-project at Linnaeus University, Dep...

  • Nils Fagerberg, Linnaeus University, Department of Forestry and Wood Technology
Published: 2022-09-12
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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

  • Utilizing volatile organic compounds for early detection of Fusarium circinatum

Fusarium circinatum, a fungal pathogen deadly to many Pinus species, can cause significant economic and ecological losses, especially if it were to become more widely established in Europe. Early detection tools with hig...

  • Ida Nordström, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Southern Swedish Forest Research Center
Published: 2022-12-15
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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

  • Post-fire vegetation succession after 5 years in managed pine forests at different time since clearcutting

To study plant community succession after fire and how it is influenced by time since previous (pre-fire) disturbance, vegetation data were collected in 2019, 5 years after a large (13000 hectare) wildfire in boreal Sout...

  • Lena Gustafsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Ecology
  • Victor Johansson, Stockholm University, Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
  • Alexandro Leverkus, Universidad de Granada, Departamento de Ecología
  • +3
Published: 2021-02-25
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Umeå University

  • Divergent pattern between phenotypic and genetic variation in Scots pine - 935 genotyped from 24 populations of Pinus sylvestris across Northern Europe

In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s circumference, which represents the most co...

  • David Hall, Umeå University, Ecology and Environmental Science
Published: 2021-01-29
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Umeå University

  • Divergent pattern between phenotypic and genetic variation in Scots pine - 746 unrelated genotyped Pinus sylvestris from 24 different populations across Northern Europe

In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s circumference, which represents the most co...

  • David Hall, Umeå University, Ecology and Environmental Science
Published: 2021-01-29
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Umeå University

  • Divergent pattern between phenotypic and genetic variation in Scots pine - Phenotype estimates of the genotyped individuals

In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s circumference, which represents the most co...

  • David Hall, Umeå University, Ecology and Environmental Science
Published: 2021-01-29
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Umeå University

  • Divergent pattern between phenotypic and genetic variation in Scots pine - Environmental variables and coordinates for each population

In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s circumference, which represents the most co...

  • David Hall, Umeå University, Ecology and Environmental Science
Published: 2021-01-29
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Umeå University

  • Divergent pattern between phenotypic and genetic variation in Scots pine - Results from seedlings exposure to freezing temperatures

In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s circumference, which represents the most co...

  • David Hall, Umeå University, Ecology and Environmental Science
Published: 2021-01-29
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  • Accessibility levels for data

  • SND Logo
    Access to data through SND
  • Access to data through an external actor
  • Data are freely accessible
  • Access to data is restricted or accessible by request
  • Read more about our accessibility levels.

Discover our collections!

A collection consists of several datasets that are in some way connected. They can belong to the same research series, research infrastructure, or come from the same research expedition.

We also provide access to the special collections “Swedish party programs and election manifestos” and the Swedish Gallup Institute's public opinion surveys from 1942 to 1956.